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Telegram: Weirdness27

I would like to tell you about my favorite writer, Elena Inspirati. I got to know her work in the Wattpad application, where you can find many books of any genre with many different themes and plots.
Elena is an aspiring writer who goes hand in hand with creativity in her life. Since childhood, she has been studying music, drawing and composing stories.
I first got acquainted with her work after reading the trilogy "love of a gray shade". This trilogy is a three-part novel about the world of "light people" and "dark people". Blond people are people with exclusively blonde hair and gray or blue eyes, who are alien to qualities such as malice, hatred, envy and violence. The dark ones represent completely opposite people, who embody all the negative qualities. The values of light and dark...

№ 8774241, Размещено 26 января
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